Adverse Childhood Experiences and the path towards healing. You are not alone.
I share my trials, my victories, and my stories with you in hopes that if any of you were ever touched by childhood abuse or neglect, as I was, you will see yourselves in my experiences and feel strengthened to voice what you had not been able to before. I hope we can learn together why we respond to life through a particular lens, and that there are ways to climb out of this prison of pain, silence, and shame.
My name is Bess Hilpert

Braving My First Podcast

Deep dive into Finding I, A Journey of Repair

Friends, recently I was brave. For me, very brave. 😊

My husband laughed when my response to his “How’d the podcast session go?” question was, “Well, I probably lost five pounds of water through my sweaty arm pits.” It took a few washings of that cotton tee shirt to rinse my bravery clean and twenty-four hours to calm the internal shaking from nerves no one saw. I’m still good at hiding. Are you?

Jen Alley, licensed professional counselor, and hit Podcast host of “Between the Two of Us, a Mental Health Podcast” invited me to paint the un-intervened human story of the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (childhood abuse) by sharing my story (finding I, A Journey of Repair) with her listeners. Jen Alley is passionate about normalizing the human experience, demystifying therapeutic concepts, and making neuroscience accessible to help people heal and improve their relationships, mental health, and lives.

Jen is so authentic that when we were discussing this opportunity, I said I did not want to be a “Debbie-downer” for her audience and her response was: “I am not worried about it being a Debbie-downer at all. I love your angle of helping people have more compassion and it is true that it might actually be healing or normalizing for someone to hear your story.”

Jen’s selfless compassion towards me and my story allowed me to be brave when normally I would want to hide. When the voices inside my head scream the alarm of not being good enough, worthy, or deserving. Yet, Jen’s easy-going manner made me feel I was deserving, worthy, and enough. Thank you, Jen Alley!

Dr. Brene Brown, shame researcher and storyteller is known to say:

“Owning our story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.”

Sweaty arm pits and all, I had the first-time experience of microphoning up and, without a script, talk about my life story with someone who had obviously poured through my book. I admit I felt a little like Sally Fields during her 1985 Oscar acceptance speech when she exclaimed “You like me. You really like me!” I kept feeling deep in my soul “She read my book! She really read my book!”

Jen Alley asked me questions no one had yet thought to ask me. She made me pause. She made me think. She made me grateful for every second I sat across from her in her studio. And she challenged me to look forward towards my greatest wish: moving the dial on awareness of the transgenerational effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Hopefully, you’ll hear me get more comfortable as the podcast progresses. It was a great experience, and I’m glad to be able to share it all with you as just another step on our journey, the road we as a community, are walking together each week. Thank you all for being a part of this journey of healing with me.

Dr. Brene Brown challenges us,

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Like the brave and inspiring women last week from the Williamson County Child Advocacy Center and the men and women we met at the Center for Child Protection in Austin Texas, this podcaster aims to make a difference by creating on online community sharing free and affordable resources. In her own words from her website:

“Just like you, I am trying to figure it all out as I navigate this one messy and beautiful life I have been given. If I have learned anything, it is that doing life with others is so incredibly important. Knowing we are not alone (and are normal) is a critical piece of feeling that we belong. You belong here! Welcome!”  

Please listen in on Wednesday February 21st to Jen Alley and “special guest”… me, on her awesome podcast “Between The Two Of Us a Mental Health Podcast.” It will be Episode 11. I heartily recommend adding her to your listening list. Her light shines brightly.

Thanks for being brave with me.

Until next time, friends.


  1. Thank you so much for your vulnerability in this interview. I just listened and it felt so special to be an audience to the tenderness between the two of you.

  2. Woohoo! You go girl!! You felt the fear and did it anyway. That took courage, bravery, faith, and love. You rock to the max, my friend!! I look forward to listening on the 21st. Big hug Bess ❤️

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