The Birth of finding I… In the pre-dawn darkness, on a scorching hot and humid Texas morning, my feet rhythmically paced the perimeter streets of my suburban neighborhood. Only a few weeks after shoulder surgery, my early morning swims had been replaced with silent meditative walking before most people cleared the sleep from their eyes.… Continue reading A Novel Experience
Category: Newsletters
Its Not About Me
Open-Hearted Awareness… My lost feet found their way inside the large heavy wooden doors. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, my hand intuitively reached for the small vessel hanging on the wall. Two fingers dipped themselves into the holy water; and, wet with moisture, I instinctively made the sign of the cross beginning at… Continue reading Its Not About Me
Here Comes the Judge
Confessions of a Lousy Judge…. I had the blessing of observing a new day birthing itself as the sun rose over the frigid UT outdoor pool this week. As I rested between sets, I became aware of the chatter of my egoic mind and how it differs from the quiet of my Deepest, Truest Self.… Continue reading Here Comes the Judge
“I AM…”
Thought, Word, Action… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a… Continue reading “I AM…”
Shame, Guilt and Fear Hangover
It is Okay Not to Be Alone… How are you, friends? Did anyone have an experience where our ever-expanding toolbox came in handy? I woke this morning wishing I had more command over the items I have been practicing and have stored in my toolkit. Dr. Brene Brown is known for coining the phrase “vulnerability… Continue reading Shame, Guilt and Fear Hangover
There is Healing in the Sharing of Your Story…. They say there is healing in the sharing of your story. We all have a choice in whether to brave breaking the chains of silence or holding on to the protection those prison bars that have become familiar provide us. The high prevalence of ACEs (Adverse… Continue reading Wholemakers
Into the Now
The Voices In My Head, and Missed Moments… “I know for me when that war wages in my mind I tell myself, how will I feel when I pass on? Did I do something good with my life? The question of did it affect someone’s life, I give to God. I can only give my best… Continue reading Into the Now
Original Goodness
Social Media, Depression, and Self-Compassion… This is hard for me to admit, but after releasing last week’s newsletter I became very depressed. The feelings of failure began to seep in as I pressed the “Publish” button. I fell prey to the snares of social media watching the number of likes equal zero. I seriously questioned… Continue reading Original Goodness
Sweet Binge
Trauma, PTSD, & Eating Disorders… Last Friday, my husband Ed had the second of two knee replacement surgeries within five weeks of each other. The days leading to this latest surgery filled me with sudden onsets of post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety. You see, the first surgery ran an hour and forty-five minutes longer than the… Continue reading Sweet Binge
Unexpected Gifts
Connection & Belonging… Last Sunday while reading Maria Shriver’s weekly newsletter I was struck by her prayer. “Dear God, please help me feel the full weight of my emotions and not be afraid of them. Allow me to embrace the good, the bad, the highs and the lows that life presents and appreciate the lessons learned along… Continue reading Unexpected Gifts